We held our first fundraiser on Saturday, August 4.  Barbecue Street restaurant was kind enough to let us use their lot for a car wash.  Virtually the whole team got involved, and it was both fun and successful.  Plus, the restaurant's BBQ is excellent - check out their website
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Drumming up business by the side of the road

Washing the cars was a team effort.  The car on the bottom is mine, and they did a great job.

Evan and Warren

Patrick, Chancey and Jonathan with Nick's Dad;  Tiger and Gerard

Jonathan, Billy, Samer and his Dad

The siblings got in on the act:  Brandon helped AJ solicit contributions, Aunt Carrie used baby Emily to stop traffic, and Ashley counts the loot

Ashley demonstrates sudsing with style  |  Baby Emily helps her brother Samer get the back windows  |  Brandon makes those wheels shine.

You gotta love the beautiful toddlers - Weiler and Hope

The cart in front of the restaurant attracted plenty of interest.  Weiler wanted me to go find him some horses to make it go. . .
August 4, 2001