Drew and John in the hotel
room. Want to see what a difference a year makes? Click here
for the same
shot from 2001.
We highly recommend Larry's
Subs for great food and overdone NYC decor. Here we are chatting up a
U15 player from Kernersville,
John on the run
Holding the line against the
opponents' offense.
Celebrating victory
Since we brought the XBox, our room was the center of evening attention
The team played together off
the field as well
Champions receive their
Brothers after the game.
Same scene from last year,
in which John's team was the runner-up.
To make our family's winning weekend complete, Frank's beloved
Patriots played and won a very exciting Super Bowl game on Sunday.
This created some problems for us, as the late finish of John's
championship match had us driving home through rural Georgia
(read, "bad radio signal") during the game. Our solution:
we got off the road and watched the first half at a Jocks and Jills restaurant in Macon, then drove into the Atlanta signal area during
halftime. We were a mile from home when the winning field goal was