On Christmas Eve, 2000, we drove to Montgomery, Alabama to pick up a female English Springer Spaniel from a rescue home that is part of the Chattahoochee English Springer Spaniel Club Rescue network.  While there, we fell in love with a lively and cuddly young male dog and took him home instead.  Opinions vary on what breed he is:  either a full-blooded ESS of the "field-bred" type, or, to quote our vet, "Springer and somethin'."  Anyway, here are some shots of his first day.
Lachance home  |  Dogs home

Saying goodbye and thanks to Christi Cooper of Montgomery, Alabama, the lady who rescued him

In the car on the way to his new home   |   In his new backyard

Getting acquainted with sister Blizzard in our back yard.  Not too sure about each other yet. (But doesn't Blizzie look cute?)
The new dog meets his boys and gets a name (Gopher) Gopher and Blizzard get used to each other