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Here's yesterday's fish!  'tis a modest one but mine own, and after the
first two trips out of Tarpon Springs this season, it looked like
Charlie the Tuna.  We wedged a gorgeo day in between the fronts, and
Daddy got a Flats Grand Slam: Redfish (q.v.), Snook, and Speckled Trout,
including one grett big 'un, the kahnd thet's knowed dahn heyah as a
"Gator Trout"....only you don't pronounce the "r" in gator.
Catfish Jack (11/18/00)

Fishing in Late August, 2000 in his Potomas Honey Hole

This smallmouth bass is trophy-size plus.
Caught in July, 2000 in the upper Potomac