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The principal tourist attraction in Kiama is a natural rock formation which, when the  winds are right, causes a geyser-like srapy of water to shoot up through a hole in the rocks.  Adjoining the blowhole are lovely rock pools, which we explored.  The first day, the winds were high, but in the wrong direction.  On the second day, we did manage to see a moderate display.  The blowhole is both Kiama's blessing (tourist $$) and curse:  many reckless sightseers have been injured or worse by getting too close to the edge.  In fact, an amorous teenage couple experienced serious injury the Sunday night we were there in an after-midnight tryst. You can read about it here.

Here is the world-famous Kiama Blowhole.  On our first visit, it was pretty much just a rock.

Not the best shots in the world, but perhaps you can get the idea of this thing filling with water and exploding

The Kiama Lighthouse was put in service to protect boats from the deadly coastalk rocks.  It still operates, although it has long since been made automatic.

Here is a shot of the "Little Blowhole", a smaller version of the main attraction.  This site is located in the middle of a residential neighborhood.  When we stopped to ask directions, one of the neighbors told us that the spray from ths blowhole coats their cars with salty goo and makes their windows rattle constantly. Hmm, sounds like fun.
Last update -  May 31, 2000