Kiama |Blowhole 1 | Blowhole 2  |Parrots | Roos | RainForest | Fitzroy Falls | Album |  |  E-Mail
After soccer games (3) on Saturday May 27, we took off by car to Kiama, about 3 hours south of Sydney along the coast.  Spent two+ days exploring the surrounding countryside, including the famed Southern Highlands and Jervis Bay, where kangas and wld birds mix with the guests.  There are a lot of pictures here, but it was quite a lot to see, and we all count this trip as a highlight of our stay in Oz so far.  To read more about the sights in Kiama, click here.

Stopped for lunch at the Cliffhanger Restaurant just north of Wollengong.  As you can see, the view was amazing, as was the plentiful Italian brunch.

This is Seven Mile Beach.  There were only 8 people on its entire length on a weekend afternoon- albeit a windy winter afternoon - including the four Lachances

We stayed at Cranford Lodge, and were treated to the knowledgeable and friendly hospitality of Stan and Elaine Keough.  We chose them because of this glowing review, and we were more than happy with everything about our stay. 

In honor of the fishermen in the family, we stopped at several bait shops along the way

We were in search of our first encounters with kangaroos on the wild.  Unfortunately, this was the first one we saw.  Fortunately, we were not the cause of its demise.
Last update -  May 31, 2000